Use this type of REM object to select several complete raster entities at once. Several selection methods are available to define enhanced bitonal region objects:
- Windows and crossing windows
- Polygons and crossing polygons
- Fences
- Connected entities
You can also choose whether the object includes all the connected pixels within the enhanced bitonal region (connected method) or only the pixels that define a line, a circle, or an arc (smart method).
After you define the enhanced bitonal region object, you can modify the object using AutoCAD commands and REM commands.
The following examples show some of the smart and connected options in use. In these examples, thin dotted lines show the region that is selected, and the thick black areas show the resulting enhanced bitonal region object.
The complete set of enhanced bitonal region objects is illustrated and defined in the Glossary. See entries under "connected" and "smart".
Enhanced Bitonal Region Objects
- Smart Window
- A
Smart Window selects the raster entities that are entirely within the window. Entities that extend outside the window are not included in the selection. In this example, the leader lines and text are selected. The dimension lines extend outside the window and are not included.
- Connected Window
- A
Connected Window selects the raster entities that are entirely within the window and not connected to entities extending outside the window. In this example, the text is selected. The leader lines are not selected because they are connected to the dimension lines that extend outside the window.
- Smart Crossing Window
- A
Smart Crossing window selects the raster entities that are within the window or touch the window. In this example, the leader lines, the text, and the dimension lines are selected.
- Connected Crossing Window
- A
Connected Crossing window selects the raster entities that are within the window, touch the window, or are connected to entities that touch the window. In this example, all entities except the text in the upper right are selected. This text is not connected to any entities.
- Smart Fence
- A
Smart Fence selects the raster entities that touch the fence. In this example, the leader lines and the dimension lines are included in the selection. The text, which is enclosed by the fence but does not touch the fence, is not included.
- Connected Fence
- A
Connected Fence selects the raster entities that touch the fence or are connected to entities that touch the fence. In this example, all entities except the two areas of text are selected. The text does not touch the fence and is not connected to any entities.