September 22, 2022
Autodesk Trust Center
For the latest information regarding the security fixes in this Update, refer to the Security Advisories:
Problems Reported Through the Customer Error Reporting Utility
As a result of the detailed information that we received from customers who used the Customer Error Reporting Utility, we were able to identify and fix several defects including the following:
General |
Occasional crashes when importing some special PDF files. |
Occasional crashes when zooming the drawing or launching Layer Manager palette in some special drawings without active Layout tabs. |
General Update Content
The following defects have been fixed:
General |
MASSPROP command and API access to some 3D objects now return the same values with the LIST command results. |
Copying to clipboard now works correctly in AutoCAD Mechanical 2023 when trying to copy objects between mechanical and non-mechanical drawings. |
The objects in GSF mode in Autodesk Advance Steel can now be drawn with the polygonEye(...) method. |
The duration now correctly displays in the Performance Analyzer when the operating system setting is using non-English language. |
The custom paper size order in the Plot dialog box is now same with the legacy AutoCAD products. |
AutoCAD now works well when dragging the column width in the Material Browser palette in some special environments. |