Connect and disconnect ports

Data flows along connections from the output ports on the right side of nodes to input ports on the left side of other nodes. You can connect the same output to as many inputs as you want.

Connect ports

Do either of the following:

After the first click, you can pan (middle-mouse button, or Alt+middle-mouse button) and zoom (scroll wheel, or Alt+right-mouse button) the graph if necessary..

Connect ports

For nodes that support new ports, you can also click the New Port icon (gray +) to create a port.

New Port icon


Instead of clicking twice, you can click on port, drag to another port, and then release the mouse button. However, you cannot pan with this method.

Disconnect ports

  1. Move the pointer over the connection near the port to disconnect. The connection is highlighted in white.
  2. Click and drag the connection away from the port.

Disconnect ports

You can also break multiple connections by pressing Alt+Shift and dragging across them.

Break multiple connections

Alternatively, click and drag to select one or more connections, and then press Delete or Backspace.