L1 (AL1) Class

L1 to L1000 is reserved as Subassembly Links. AL1 to AL1000 are available to represent auxiliary links.

Function Name Description Comments
Slope Get the slope of a link. The slope is positive if the link is in upward direction.
Length Get an absolute length. A positive value is always returned.
Xlength Get a link's horizontal length. A positive value is always returned.
Ylength Get a link's vertical length. A positive value is always returned.
StartPoint Get the start point of a link. Example:

To get the start point's X: L1.StartPoint.X

EndPoint Get the end point of a link.  
MaxY Get the maximum Y elevation from a link's points.  
MinY Get the minimum Y elevation from the link's points.  
MaxInterceptY(slope) Apply the highest intercept of a given link's points to the start of another link.

The Y elevation is relative to Origin point.

This is used in rehab subassemblies to find the critical depth for mill/overlay.

MinInterceptY(slope) Apply the lowest intercept of a given link's points to the start of another link.
LinearRegressionSlope Do a linear regression on the points in a link to find the best fit slope between all of them.

This is used in rehab subassemblies to find the slope of the existing pavement.

Both of these linear regression functions are based on standard formulas for linear regression.

LinearRegressionInterceptY Find the Y value of the linear regression line (at the start point of the link).
IsValid Determine whether a target is assigned and is valid to use.  
HasIntersection(Link2ID as string, ExtendLink1 as bool=false, ExtendLink2 as bool=false) Determine whether the current link intersects with another link.

Three parameters are available:

  • Link2ID: string specifying the intersecting link. Enter intersection link name in quotation marks.
  • ExtendLink1: boolean value specifying whether Link 1 is extended. The default value is False.
  • ExtendLink2: boolean value specifying whether Link 2 is extended. The default value is False.

