Query Builder Tab (Point Group Properties Dialog Box)

Use this tab to define point groups by using a query, which is a set of complex parameters or conditions.

A query consists of one or more expressions. Each row on the Query Builder tab contains an expression. You combine expressions using the set operators AND, OR, and NOT. You can also use parentheses to group expressions. For more information, see Point Group Queries Reference.

When you first display the Query Builder tab, the starting query reflects the current contents of the following tabs: Raw Desc Matching, Include, Exclude, and Point Group.

This tab is read only until you select the Modify Query check box. To modify a cell in the query builder grid, click once in the cell to activate the row, then click again to activate the cell. To create a new row, right-click in the Query Builder and click Insert Row. To delete a row, click the row and press Delete.

Note: After you select the Modify Query check box, the Raw Desc Matching, Point Groups, Include, and Exclude tabs become inactive. If you want to use these tabs, you must clear the Modify Query check box.
Use Case-Sensitive Matching

Specifies whether raw description matching and full description matching are case-sensitive, not only on this tab, but also on the Raw Desc Matching, Include, and Exclude tabs.

Modify Query

Controls whether the query builder tab is active.

Select this check box to edit the current query, which is derived from the contents of the Point Groups, Raw Desc Matching, Include, and Exclude tabs. These tabs become inactive, and their contents are lost, if you click Apply on the active Query Builder tab.

Clear this check box to activate the Point Groups, Raw Desc Matching, and Exclude tabs. If you click any of the activated tabs, the current query in the Query Builder is lost.

Set Operator

Specifies the set operator for an expression. Activate the cell and select AND, OR, or NOT.


Turns opening parenthesis on or off. Activate the cell and click in it. For more information about using parentheses to combine expressions, see Point Group Queries Reference.


Specifies the property for the expression:

  • Name
  • Raw Description
  • Full Description
  • Point Number
  • Point Elevation
  • Point Group

Defines the relationship between Property and Value. The operators displayed in the list depend on the property you specified for the expression. Valid values include:

  • = (equal)
  • != (not equal)
  • > (greater than)
  • < (less than)
  • >= (greater than or equal)
  • <= (less than or equal)

Specifies the value for the property. Activate the cell and enter the value. Valid values depend on the property, as follows:

  • Name: Enter a point name.
  • Raw Description: Enter a raw description. You can use wild cards.
  • Full Description: Enter a full description. You can use wild cards.
  • Point Number: Enter an individual point number or a point range. A range is two point numbers separated by a hyphen, such as 10-21.
  • Point Elevation: Enter an individual elevation or a range. A range is two elevations separated by a hyphen, such as 1001-1050.
  • Point Group: Enter a point group name.
Note: To query on a null value for Name, Raw Description, or Full Description, enter != ?*. For example, if you want to find raw descriptions with no value, enter != ?* in the field for Raw Description.

Turns closing parenthesis on or off. Activate the cell and click. For more information about using parentheses to combine expressions, see Point Group Queries Reference.


Resets the current query to the starting query. Any changes you made since you entered the query builder are lost.


Applies the current query to the point group and updates the Point List and Summary tabs.