Duplicate Point Number Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to handle point number conflicts arising from trying to create a point with the same point number as an existing point.

In the following descriptions, source point is the point that the command is attempting to create, and destination point is the existing point.

Duplicate Point Number Resolution

Important: For duplicate Survey point numbers, Overwrite and Ignore are the only Resolution options. Selecting the Ignore option leaves the COGO point values intact. Options for Add An Offset From and Sequence From are not available.

Specifies how the point number conflict is resolved:

  • Add An Offset: Adds the offset specified for the Add An Offset From option to the source point number. For example, if you enter an offset of 200, source points with numbers 1, 2, and 3 are re-numbered 201, 202, and 203.
  • Merge: Overwrites point data that exists in the destination point with data that exists in the source point and preserves data in the destination point that is not supplied by the source point.
  • Overwrite: Overwrites the destination point.
  • Sequence From: Begins renumbering the source points using the point number specified in the Sequence From option.
  • Use Next Point Number: Assigns the next unused point number to the point.
Add An Offset From

Specifies the offset to be added to the source point number when the Resolution is set to Add An Offset. Enter an integer.

Sequence From

Specifies the starting sequence number for renumbering the source points when the Resolution is set to Sequence From. Enter an integer.

Apply To All Duplicate Point Numbers

Specifies that the Resolution setting is applied to any additional duplicate point numbers encountered by the command. If a duplicate point number occurs that cannot be resolved based on the Resolution setting, this dialog box displays again.