Point File Formats - Select Column Name Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to specify a column to be included in a point file format.

After you chose a column name, the dialog box displays additional edit boxes that are consistent with the type of data the column contains.

Column Name

Specifies the name of the column to be included in the point file format. For more information, see About Point File Formats.

  • <unused>: Designates a column in the point data file that is empty or that contains data you do not want imported or exported.
  • Easting
  • Northing
  • Point Elevation
Note: The elevation value in a point data file can be adjusted during import or export. For more information, see To Adjust Point Elevation During Import and Transfer.
  • Point Number
  • Name
  • Raw Description
  • Full Description
Note: You cannot import the full description; you can only export it.
  • Grid Northing
  • Grid Easting
  • Longitude
  • Degrees-Longitude
  • Minutes-Longitude
  • Seconds-Longitude
  • Hemisphere-Longitude
  • DECDEG Longitude
  • DASHED Longitude
Note: A DASHED longitude value is expressed with dashes, such as 73-13-12.67.
  • Latitude
  • Degrees-Latitude
  • Minutes-Latitude
  • Seconds-Latitude
  • Hemisphere-Latitude
  • DECDEG Latitude
  • DASHED Latitude
Note: A DASHED latitude value is expressed with dashes, such as 73-13-12.67.
Invalid Indicator

(Displayed only after you click a column name.) Specifies a value that causes this column to be ignored when detected in the point data file. Enter a value, for example, 999999.


(Displayed only after you click a column name that requires a decimal value.) Enter the number of decimal precision places for the column, up to 12.

Thickness Name

(Displayed only after you click the Thickness column name.) Enter a name for the thickness.

User Defined Column Name

(Displayed only after you click the User Defined column name.) Enter a heading name for the user-defined column.

Data Type

(Displayed only after you click the User Defined column name.) Select the type of data the column contains:

  • Double: Contains a double precision floating point value. Use Double for numbers that contain decimal points, including elevations, northings, eastings, grid northings, grid eastings, latitudes, and longitudes.
  • Long: Contains a long integer value. Use Long for point numbers.
  • String: Contains an alphanumeric value. Use String for point descriptions and point names.