About Point Information Commands

The following table lists the point information-related Autodesk Civil 3D survey commands and briefly describes their functionality.

Note: These commands must be entered in the Survey Command Window. For more information, see Survey Command Window.



A [point 1] [point 2] [point 3]

Lists the horizontal angle between points

AZ [point 1] [point 2]

Lists the azimuth between two points

B [point 1] [point 2]

Lists a bearing between two points

D [point 1] [point 2]

Determines the distance between two points

DISP PTS (point 1) (point 2)

Displays point information

GRADE [point 1] [point 2]

Lists the grade between two points

INV PTS [point 1] [point 2]

Lists the direction and distance between points

INVERSE RADIAL [backsight] [station]

Lists the angle and distance from a setup in a radial direction from the backsight point

SLOPE [point 1] [point 2]

Lists the slope angle between two points

SD [point 1] [point 2]

Lists the slope distance between two points

VD [point 1] [point 2]

List the elevation distance between two points