Water Drop Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to specify the parameters for drawing water drop paths on a surface.

Note: The default values for these parameters can be set in the Edit Command Settings - CreateSurfaceWaterdrop dialog box. For information about setting command parameters, see To Specify Command Level Settings.

Water Drop Path

Path Layer

Specifies the layer on which to draw the water drop path. Click to open the Object Layer dialog box where you can select a layer.

Path Object Type

Specifies the type of AutoCAD object to use for the water drop path: 2D Polyline or 3D Polyline.

Water Drop Marker

Place Marker At Start Point

Specifies whether to draw a marker at the start point of the water drop path.

Start Point Marker Style

Specifies the style for the start point marker. Click to open the Select Point Style dialog box where you can select a style.