Use this tab to set the vertical scale and direction of the profile view.
Use the controls in this area to specify how much to increase the elevation values for greater visibility in the profile view. Specify the profile view vertical scale in either of the following ways:
The Current Horizontal Scale (HS) factor of the drawing is divided by the Vertical Scale value (VS) to obtain the profile view Vertical Exaggeration value (VX).
For example, if the Current Horizontal Scale is 50, and you want the profile view Vertical Scale to be 1”=10’, then set the Vertical Exaggeration to 5.
The profile view vertical scale. Select a vertical scale from the list, or enter a custom scale in the Custom Scale field.
Vertical Scale (VS) = Current Horizontal Scale (HS) divided by Vertical Exaggeration (VX)
Specifies the current Vertical Scale factor. Enter a value in this field to specify a scale factor that is not provided in the Vertical Scale list.
The overall drawing Scale specified in the Drawing Settings dialog box. This field is not editable. The horizontal scale must be changed in the Drawing Settings dialog box.
Specifies by how much the elevation values increase in the profile view for greater visibility. Enter either 1 for no increase in scale or a larger number to increase the scale. The elevation values are multiplied by this value, so a larger number increases the amount of exaggeration in the profile view.
Specifies the direction of the profile in the profile view grid: