Use the Traverse Editor to create 2D traverses by entering data or by selecting a polyline from the drawing. After entering the data, you can send the traverse data to the Traverse Adjustment dialog box to apply an adjustment method.
Graphics, as shown in the following example, are displayed in the drawing when you enter traverse data in the Traverse Editor.
You can specify whether you want to create points, lines, or points and lines in the drawing as you enter data. These objects remain in the drawing after you close the Traverse Editor.
The Traverse Editor has a zoom setting you can specify to control the view of the graphics. If the zoom setting is set to Zoom Current Row, the zoom level in the drawing is changed when you enter data for a traverse side as needed to display the traverse graphics in the drawing window. Alternately you can specify that the view is zoomed to show the extents of the traverse or that no zooming occurs.
You can load data into the Traverse Editor by selecting an existing polyline in the drawing or by manually entering known data. You can use a variety of formats and mathematical equations to enter traverse data.
Enter the suffix directly after the value without adding an extra space. For example, to enter 10 feet, enter 10'.
If Drawing Units is set to: | and Imperial to Metric Conversion is set to: | and the suffix is: | then the distance conversion is: |
Feet | US Survey Foot | m | meters to US survey foot |
Feet | International Foot | m | meters to international foot |
Meters | US Survey Foot | ' | US survey foot to meters |
Meters | International Foot | ' | international foot to meters |
You can enter a variety of mathematical equations to calculate traverse parameter values. The equations enable you to enter known data, such as the relative location of COGO points, when you define a traverse.
The following operators are valid: