Use this tab to define how label text is formatted.
Displays the text style on which all text components are based.
Specifies how the entire text component is justified.
Specifies the font for new or selected text.
TrueType® fonts are listed by font family name. AutoCAD compiled shape (SHX) fonts
are listed by the name of the file in which the fonts are stored. Custom fonts or third-party fonts are substituted with Autodesk-supplied proxy fonts. A custom SHX font is available for character formatting overrides only if it is defined for a text style in the drawing.
Specifies the text color.
Select a color from the list or click to open the Select Color dialog box.
Turns bold formatting on and off for new or selected text. This option is available only for characters using TrueType fonts.
Turns italic formatting on and off for new or selected text. This option is available only for characters using TrueType fonts.
Turns underlining on and off for new or selected text.
Reverses the most recent action in the Text Component Editor, including changes to either text content or text formatting.
Reverses the effects of the last Undo that you performed, including changes to either text content or text formatting. The Redo option must immediately follow the Undo command.
Stacks selected text that is formatted using stack characters, or unstacks stacked text.
Inserts special characters and symbols.
The Other option in the Symbol list displays the Character Map dialog box. To insert a character from this dialog box, select it, and then click Select. Select all the characters you want to use and then click Copy. Then right-click in the Text Component Editor window, and click Paste.