Label Properties Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to change the properties of labels in the drawing.

Different properties are available, depending on the type of label selected. The most general properties are listed first.


Reset Label Defaults

Returns all properties to original values. Use this option to reset the properties after you have made changes. This option works only within the current instance of the command; it does not restore previously-changed properties.

Label Style

Displays the style used by the selected label. Click the Value column, and then click to open the Label Style dialog box and to select a different style.


Specifies whether the label is visible in the drawing.

  • True: Displays the label.
  • False: Hides the label. This setting deletes the label unless it is reset before you close the dialog box.
Flip Label

Specifies whether the label is flipped.

  • True: Flips the label components to the opposite side of a line or curve object.
  • False: Leaves label as is.
Label Is Pinned

Specifies whether the label is fixed to its location.

  • True: Pins a label to its current location regardless of edits to the object referenced by that label.
  • False: Label can be moved if the object is edited.

Bearing Labels

Reverse Direction

Reverses the direction of labels that contain bearings.

  • True: Reverses direction label.
  • False: Leaves direction label as is.

Referenced Text Objects

Referenced Text Objects

Specifies the object to refer to in labels that contain Referenced Text. Click in the Value column and then click to display the Property Field Object dialog box. Select the object to refer to and click OK.

Profile View, Section View, Surface Spot Elevation Labels

Point Style

Specifies a point style which controls the appearance of the label insertion point for profile view, section view, and surface spot elevation labels. Select a point style from the list.

Alignment Offset Labels

Leader Attachment Option

Specifies the point attachment location for the label leader line.

  • Point: Leader line attaches to the point.
  • Marker Extents: Leader line attaches to the extents of the marker.
Marker Style

Displays the style used by the currently selected marker. Click in the Value column and then click to display the Marker Style dialog box and to select a different style.

Fixed XY

Specifies the label position for fixed point alignment station/offset labels.

  • True: Moves the label with the alignment.
  • False: Leaves label as is.

Profile View and Section View Labels

Profile 1 Object

Specifies a profile to be used as “Profile 1” in the profile view labels. Use this option to include specific profile data in a label. For more information, see To Label Profile Views with Data for Multiple Profiles.

Profile 2 Object

Specifies a profile to be used as “Profile 2” in the profile view labels.

Section 1

Specifies a section to be used as “Section 1” in the section view labels.

Section 2

Specifies a section to be used as “Section 2” in the section view labels.

Dimension Anchor Option

Specifies the location of the dimension line anchor used to position dimension lines for certain profile view labels, such as vertical curve labels.

  • Default: Leaves the anchor position as is.
  • Above: Moves the dimension line anchor up the distance specified in the Dimension Anchor Value.
  • Below: Moves the dimension line anchor down the distance specified in the Dimension Anchor Value.
  • Fixed: Places the dimension line anchor at a fixed elevation on a profile view. Specify the elevation in the Dimension Anchor Value field.
  • Graph View Top: Places the line anchor at the top of the section view grid. This creates a vertical graph line above the label. To ensure the full line extent is displayed, set Dim Anchor Val to 0.
  • Graph View Bottom: Anchors the line to the bottom of the section view grid. This creates a vertical graph line below the label. To ensure the full line extent is displayed, set Dim Anchor Val to 0.
Dimension Anchor Value

Specifies the dimension line anchor value to be applied using the Dimension Anchor Option.

Pipe and Structure Labels

Alignment Name

Specifies the alignment that the pipe or structure references for labeling purposes. All alignments in the drawing are listed, as well as <Default>. <Default> is the alignment that the part was associated with when it was created. Changing the alignment name in the label properties changes only the data that appears in labels; it does not change the actual association between the part and alignment.