About Point Group Default Styles

Use the Point Group Properties dialog box to specify a default point style and point label style for a point group.

The default point style and point label style for the point group can be viewed and changed in two locations in the point group properties dialog box: on the Information tab and on the Overrides tab.

If you change the default style on one tab, the other tab is updated to reflect the new style. The check box next to the style name on the Overrides tab indicates when the point group default style is used. If the check box is cleared, then the point group default style is used to display the point only if the point does not have an individual point style assigned. If the check box is selected, the point group default style is used to display each point in the point group, regardless of whether it has an individual point style assigned, according to the point group display order. For more information about point group display order, see To Change the Point Group Display Order.

Assign individual point styles either during point creation using the options in the Create Points dialog box or using description keys. Use the Point Editor to change individual point styles after a point is created.