As you use filtering to sort pay items in a pay item list, use the highlighting commands to visually sort objects and pay items in the drawing.
For example, in a drawing or an area of a drawing where only a few objects have been tagged with pay items, you can easily identify those objects using the Highlight Objects With Pay Items command. In a drawing or an area of a drawing where most objects have been tagged with pay items, you can easily identify those objects without attached pay items using the
Highlight Objects Without Pay Items command. Also, by using the
Highlight Objects With Selected Pay Items command, you can identify objects tagged with specific pay items.
Only objects to which pay items are attached will be highlighted. Untagged objects are dimmed.
All objects are again displayed without highlighting or dimming.
Objects with the selected pay item(s) are highlighted. All other objects are dimmed.
All objects are again displayed without highlighting or dimming.
All untagged objects are highlighted. Tagged objects are dimmed.
All objects are again displayed without highlighting or dimming.