Use this tab to view or change the structure sizes included in the parts list.
You can add new structure sizes to the parts list or remove structure sizes from the parts list. Each size selection matches a part size from a part family in the part catalog. Optional properties may also be set on the part size. The combined set of selected and optional properties is assigned to the structure when it is inserted into the drawing.
This tree view displays the name of the parts list at the top level, and then the names of the part families included in the parts list, and then the names of the part sizes included in each part family. Note when a new size is added to the parts list, it is assigned a default unique name. The size name can be edited (renamed) to any unique name within the part family size list.
Specifies the default style assigned to the structure when it is inserted into the drawing. Select a part family and click the Select All Edit icon
to assign the selected style to all part sizes within that family.
Specifies the default rules assigned to the structure when it is inserted into the drawing. Select a part family and click the Select All Edit icon
to assign the selected style to all part sizes within that family.
Specifies the default render material assigned to the structure when it is inserted into the drawing. Select a part family and click the Select All Edit icon
to assign the selected style to all part sizes within that family.
Specifies the pay item ID assigned. Select a part family, or a part size within a part family, and then click
to assign a pay item to all part sizes within that family, or to an individual part size within that family.