Use this dialog box to view and edit the parameters of the offset alignments included in the intersection object.
Click the expand and collapse
buttons at the top right to expand and collapse the information displayed in this dialog box.
You can select offset alignments for the primary or secondary road in the intersection.
When you select an item on this dialog box, the affected object is highlighted in the drawing, and the conceptual graphic on the dialog box updates to indicate the location affected by the edit.
Specifies the definitions of the offset alignments included in the intersection.
When No is specified, the offset alignment is created during intersection object creation. When Yes is specified, an existing alignment from the current drawing can be used to create the left and right alignment offsets.
Specifies the offset distance for the offset alignment. This property is automatically set to Varies if an alignment is selected that is not a dynamic offset alignment based on a centerline.
Displays the name of the offset alignment currently specified. When Use an Existing Alignment is set to Yes, you can click to specify another alignment from the current drawing. When you do this, the Offset Value property is automatically set to Varies, if the selected alignment is not a dynamic offset alignment based on a centerline. It is also important to note that if you do select another offset alignment from the drawing, the original offset alignment that was created during intersection object creation is not deleted.