Material List Tab (Sample Line Group Properties Dialog Box)

Use this tab to view and edit the material lists for a sample line group and add and delete materials from a list.

Add New Material

Adds a new empty criteria to a material list. After you add the criteria, you can edit its quantity type and settings and use the Define Material fields to populate it with data.

Opens the Name Template dialog box, where you can modify the material naming template.

Add A Subcriteria

Adds a subcriteria to an empty material or to a material with existing subcriteria. For more information, see To Calculate Volumes for Overlapping Materials or Overhangs.

Deletes the material or data component that is currently selected in the Material Name column.

Define Material

Data Type

Specifies the type of data that is compared and processed when defining the material. Either Surface or Corridor Shape.

Select Surface/Shape

Lists sampled surfaces and corridor shapes for this sample line group. Select a surface or corridor shape.

Note: Corridor shapes can be added only to a material with a Structure quantity type.

Adds the data specified in the Define Material fields to the selected material type.

Note: If a material is not selected, the data is not added.

The properties table contains the following columns:

Material Name

Names of material lists, material names, surfaces, and corridor shapes arranged in a tree or hierarchy. Each instance of applying criteria to materials in a sample line group is added as a numbered list. List names can be edited.

Click next to a list name to display its components (materials). Click next to a material name to display its components (surfaces or structures).

Context Menus for Material Lists and Material Names

Right-click a material list or a material name in a list to access context menus with commands for working with the lists and the materials.

Commands are available on the material list context menu for adding, deleting, copying, cutting, and pasting materials, and removing duplicated materials. The Remove Duplicated Criterias command compares the current material list against all the other material lists and removes any materials that are duplicates. This command only removes duplicates in the selected material list. In addition to comparing the selected material list against all other material lists, the command also examines the material definitions and sub-criteria definitions inside the current list and removes the duplicated ones there also if any are detected.

Commands are available on the material context menu for deleting, copying, cutting, and pasting materials, and for zooming to materials and section views in the drawing. The Zoom To First Material command zooms to the material on a section view that corresponds to the first sample line where the material is found. The Zoom To First Section View command zooms to the section view that corresponds to the first sample line where the material is found. The Paste Materials as SubCriterias command is available on the menu if you have cut or copied materials. When this command is used, if the material you paste into has criteria, then the existing criteria will be demoted to subcriteria.

Note: There is a Material Lists collection in Prospector (inside the Sample Line Group collection). The material lists and materials inside this collection have context menus from which you can access commands to manage the material lists and materials. The material lists and materials also have item views in Prospector which you can use to view or edit their properties. The Compute Materials command is available on the context menu of the Material Lists collection. You can run this command if an Out Of Date icon appears on the Material Lists collection after editing the material lists.

Specifies the condition on which to base the calculation:

  • Above. Specifies that an area above this surface is included in the material definition. Used with Below to define two or more surfaces for cut, fill, and structures material types.
  • Below. Specifies that an area below this surface is included in the material definition. Used with Above to define two or more surfaces for cut, fill, and structures material types.
  • Base. Specifies that this surface is the surface to compare against the compare surface. Used with Compare to define two or more surfaces for earthworks and cut and fill material types.
  • Compare. Specifies that this surface is the surface to compare against the base surface. Used with Base to define two or more surfaces for earthworks and cut and fill material types.
  • Include. Specifies a corridor shape that is included in the structure type definition.
Quantity Type

Specifies the quantity type:

  • Cut. Calculates the material to remove.
  • Fill. Calculates the material to add.
  • Cut and Refill. Defines an area in the section where a material is removed and refilled with fill material.
  • Earthworks. Compares two surfaces to calculate both cut and fill areas and displays them separately.
  • Structures. Calculates the volume of one or more corridor shapes (as defined by the shape codes that are used to define the corridor). For information about shape codes, see About Point, Link, and Shape Codes.
Cut Factor

Specifies the expansion or swell of the cut material.

Fill Factor

Specifies a factor to accommodate for the contraction or shrinkage of the fill material.

Note: For example, for a material that compacts to 93% of its original value when used as fill, enter 1.075 (which is derived by dividing 1.0 by .93) as the fill factor to compensate for the extra material that must be added.
Refill Factor

Specifies usability factor used to calculate how much cut material can be reused as fill.

Shape Style

Specifies the default style used to display the material in a section view.

Curve Tolerance

Specifies the curve correction tolerance, if any, that was specified when the criteria was applied. To edit the value, select the check box, and then edit the value.

Note: This control is not displayed if Composite Volume or Prismoidal is specified for the Volume Calculation Method.

Defines and applies gaps to accommodate non-contiguous pockets of materials. Click in the column to display either the Define Gaps or Apply Gaps dialog box.

  • When you click the Gap column from the Material List level, the Define Gaps dialog box is displayed. Use this dialog box to define the gaps.
  • When you click the Gap column from the Material level, the Apply Gaps dialog box is displayed. Use this dialog box to apply gaps and to define run ins and run outs.

For more information, see Defining Gaps and Pockets of Materials.

Volume Calculation Method

Specifies which method is used to calculate volumes. For more information, see About Analyzing Sectional Volumes.

Import Another Criteria

Prompts you to add a new materials list to the sample line group. Prompts you to select a criteria and opens the Compute Materials dialog box.