To List Mapcheck Information for a Survey Figure

Use the Mapcheck command to check your figure for length, course, perimeter, area, error of closure, or precision information.

Calculate closure, precision, perimeter, and area using the listed distances, courses, and units based on the current drawing unit precision set.

Note: Use the Inverse command to return exact distances and courses, based on the current survey database distance units in the Survey Database Settings.

Notes About Mapcheck Information

The Mapcheck report starts at the beginning of the figure. For each segment, based on the Linear and Angle precision (set in the Survey Database Settings) then the next figure vertex XY coordinates are computed based on the inversed direction and distance/curve data (rounded to the Linear and Angle precision values). For closed figures, due to the fact that error is introduced into the sequential computation of vertices of the mapcheck report, a closure error, closure direction, and precision can be calculated. The area is also based on the computed vertex XY coordinates.

Tutorial Exercise: Viewing Inverse and Mapcheck Information

To do a Mapcheck in Toolspace

To Mapcheck a figure in the Survey Command Window

  1. In Toolspace, on the Survey tab, right-click a named network Survey Command Window.
  2. At the Command line, enter:

    MAPCHECK [figure name]

    For more information about performing mapcheck on labels, see To Perform a Mapcheck Analysis.

Command Line Example

The following is a typical report generated by the Mapcheck command:

Line   Length: 73.01             Course: N 00-00-00 E
Line   Length: 92.99             Course: N 90-00-00 W
Line   Length: 73.09             Course: S 02-36-16 E
Line   Length: 89.67             Course: S 90-00-00 E
Perimeter: 328.76
Area: 6667.83                          0.15 acres
Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses & COGO Units)
Error Closure: 0.005                Course: 285-27-17
Precision 1: 70392.06

Command Syntax


Command Synonyms




Parameter Definition
figure The name of the figure you want to mapcheck.