Plan and Model Tab (Survey Figure Style Dialog Box)

Use this tab to specify marker styles and marker placement options for each figure marker component. These figure marker components display on the Display tab of the figure style.

Vertex Markers

Use these settings to specify the marker properties for figure Vertex Markers component. You can use the vertex markers component to create a marker style for the original data points from which the figure was created, for example the point located in field that defined the figure.

Marker Style

Specifies the marker style for the marker component. Click to display the Figure Vertex Marker Style dialog to specify the marker style.

Align Markers With Figure

Specifies if the markers are aligned normal to the figure segments. Click the cell in the Value column and select to Yes, to override the specified marker style orientation properties.

Midpoint Markers

Use these settings to specify the marker properties for the figure Midpoint Markers component. The midpoint markers component can be used to display a marker style for the midpoint of each figure segment.

Marker Style

Specifies the marker style for the marker component. Click to display the Marker Style dialog to specify the marker style.

Align Markers With Figure

Specifies if the markers are aligned normal to the figure segments. Click the cell in the Value column and select to Yes to override the specified marker style orientation properties.

Endpoint Markers

Use these settings to specify the marker properties for the starting point and the ending point of the figure.

Start Point Marker Style

Specifies the marker style for the start point of the figure.

End Point Marker Style

Specifies the marker style for the end point of the figure.

Align Markers With Figure

Specifies if the markers are aligned normal to the figure segments. Click the cell in the Value column and select to Yes, to override the specified marker style orientation properties.

Additional Markers

Use these settings to specify if additional markers and marker styles to use on figures. Markers are considered additional when they are not placed at a vertex, start, mid, or endpoint on the figure.

Marker Style

Specifies the marker style for the marker component. Click to display the Marker Style dialog to specify the marker style.

Additional Marker Placement Method

Specifies the placement of additional markers. Click the cell in the Value column and select one of the following from the list:

  • None: disables the placement of intermediate additional markers on the figure.
    Note: if you specify this option, At Interval and Divide Figure By properties in the Additional Markers category are disabled.
  • At Interval: places additional markers at the specified interval.
  • Divide Figure: places markers on the figure segments determined by the Divide By property.
  • Continuous: specifies that additional markers are placed continuously along the figure. Each marker is placed outside the extents of the previous marker.

Specifies the interval if you set the Marker Placement Method to At Interval. Click the cell in the Value column and enter a number that is greater than zero.

Divide Figure By

Specifies the value to divide the figure by if you set the Marker Placement Method to Divide By. Click the cell in the Value column and enter a number that is greater than zero.

Place Marker At Figure Start Point

Specify Yes to have the Marker Placement Method always places an additional marker at the start point of the figure.

Note: This setting overrides the setting of None in the Marker Placement Method.
Place Marker At Figure End Point

Specify Yes to have the Marker Placement Method always places an additional marker at the end point of the figure.

Note: This setting overrides the setting of None in the Marker Placement Method.
Align Markers With Figure

Specifies if the markers are aligned normal to the figure segments. Click the cell in the Value column and select to Yes, to override the specified marker style orientation properties.