Station Control Tab (Alignment Properties Dialog Box)

Use this tab to establish the Station Reference Point and assign station equations along the alignment.

Reference Point Station


Specifies the X coordinate value for the Station Reference Point. By default, this value corresponds to the starting point on the alignment. Enter a value or pick a point in the drawing.


Specifies the Y coordinate value for the Station Reference Point. By default, this value corresponds to the starting point on the alignment. Enter a value or pick a point in the drawing.

Pick Reference Point

Specifies the XY coordinates for the Station Reference Point. Pick points in the drawing to specify the coordinates.


Specifies the station at the reference point.

Station Information


Displays the beginning station for the first solved entity in the alignment.


Displays the ending station for the last solved entity in the alignment.


Displays the length of the alignment as the summation of the length of solved entities along each alignment.

Measure Curves Along Chords

Specifies that alignment length is measured using curve chord length, and not the true curve geometry. The Unit Chord Length is a read-only value that is taken from the Ambient Settings tab in the Drawing Settings dialog box.

Note: Measure Curves Along Chords is available only in Rail alignments.

Station Equations

Add Station Equation

Specifies the location for a station equation. Click the button and specify the station for the new equation by either picking a station in the drawing or entering a raw station value on the command line.

Delete Station Equation

Deletes the selected station from the drawing. Select the station row that you want to delete and click this button.


Displays the index number of the equation sorted by raw station location on the alignment.

Raw Station Back

Displays the station value at the location of the Station Equation before any Station Equation values are assigned. If there is only one Station Equation value, then the Raw Station Back and Station Back values match.

Station Back

Displays the station value at the location of the Station Equation value before any Station Equations are assigned. If there is only one Station Equation value, then the Raw Station Back and Station Back values match.

If the alignment contains more than one Station Equation value, then the Station Back value of all Station Equation values, except for the first equation, are relative to the Station Ahead value and the Station Equation value directly before it.

Station Ahead

Specifies the new station values immediately after the Station Equation value.


Specifies whether the stations increase or decrease in value following the Station Equation location.


Specifies notes or instructions relevant to the station equations. Enter optional comments. These comments can be used in labels for station equations.