Use this panorama vista to create composite volume calculations.
Creates a new composite volume entry.
Deletes the highlighted composite volume entry from the list.
Imports a volume entry that has been saved in XML format. Click to open the Import Volume Entries dialog box, where you can browse for the XML file. After you select the file, a new volume entry is created in the list.
Exports the selected volume entry to an XML file. Click to display the Export Volume Entries dialog box, from which you enter the file name and can browse to a location to save the XML file.
Recalculates the composite volume. For example, if you have created a composite volume on a surface that has been updated, you can click this button to recalculate the volume.
Creates a new composite volume entry. You are prompted to select the base surface (Surface 1) and comparison surface (Surface 2). The cut, fill, net, and net graph are calculated and displayed in the table.
Displays a list of numerical identifier assigned to each composite volume calculation.
Specifies the base surface from which to create the composite volume. Click on the field and select the surface from the list.
Specifies the comparison surface from which to create the composite volume. Click on the field and select the surface from the list.
Displays the amount of material that has to be removed for the base surface to equal the comparison surface.
Displays the amount of material that has to be added for the base surface to equal the comparison surface.
Displays the cut minus the fill. For example, if a volume is 200 m3 of cut, and 100 m3 of fill, the net is 100 m3<cut>.
Displays a graphical percentage representation of the whole volume. A fill net is displayed as a green bar indicating that material needs to be added to the project site. A cut net is displayed as a red bar, indicating that material must be removed.