Use the Run command to load the batch file into the current project.
Running a batch file updates your drawing with any points and line work specified in the file (if the Insert settings are enabled). For information, see To Specify Survey Import Defaults.
The Run - Slow Motion command loads the batch file at a slower rate. You can watch each command entry as it is added to and displayed in your drawing.
Use the Run - Walk Through command to stop the action at every file line as it is read into the drawing. This command is very helpful when you are looking for problems in the data.
To run a batch file
- In Toolspace, on the Survey tab, expand the Networks collection and right-click a network item. Click Survey Command Window.
- In the Survey Command Window, click Batch File menu
To run a batch file in slow motion
- In Toolspace, on the Survey tab, expand the Networks collection and right-click a network item. Click Survey Command Window.
- In the Survey Command Window, click Batch File menu
Run - Slow Motion.
To walk through a batch file
- In Toolspace, on the Survey tab, expand the Networks collection and right-click a network item. Click Survey Command Window.
- In the Survey Command Window, click Batch File menu
Run - Walk Through.
- Press Enter after each line is displayed to continue. You must repeat this until you import the whole file.