Use this dialog box to configure and add presets to a roundabout during roundabout creation or editing.
This dialog box is displayed when you want to add presets to a new roundabout during roundabout creation, or to an existing roundabout, while using the Edit Roundabout command.
You can create and apply a set of presets that define the following roundabout components. The presets are stored in an .xml file located by default in C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\C3D <version>\enu\Data\Corridor Design Standards\Imperial or Metric.
Specifies the name of the preset. Type in a unique name to identify a particular set of roundabout parameter presets.
These parameters specify the geometry of the roundabout circular area.
Specifies the outer radius of the roundabout driving area.
When the US_Imperial roundabout drawing standard is selected, this parameter is displayed. It specifies the width of the roundabout driving area. (French standard)– defines the inner radius of the roundabout driving area (outer radius of the traversable strip).
When the US_Imperial roundabout drawing standard is selected, this parameter is displayed. It specifies the apron strip width.
These parameters specify the geometry and design of the roundabout markings.
Specifies the distance of the outer radius marking from the outer edge of a roundabout.
Specifies the number of driving lanes.
Specifies the distance of the inner radius marking from traversable area of a roundabout.
Specifies the width of the inner and outer radius marking.
Specifies the marker line linetype.