Controls the visibility and display properties of the ViewCube. To display the ViewCube Settings dialog box, right-click the ViewCube and select ViewCube Settings.
Specifies which corner of a viewport the ViewCube should be displayed.
Controls the display size of the ViewCube.
Determines the opacity level of the ViewCube when it is inactive.
Displays a real-time preview of the ViewCube based on the current settings.
Controls the display of the UCS drop-down menu below the ViewCube.
Specifies if the current view is adjusted to the closest preset view when changing the view by dragging the ViewCube.
Specifies if the model is forced to fit the current viewport after a view change.
Controls the use of smooth view transitions when switching between views.
Orients the ViewCube based on the current UCS or WCS of the model.
Specifies whether the viewpoint of the model can be turned upside-down or not.
Applies the default settings for the ViewCube.