Filter and Sort the List of Layers

You can control which layer names are listed in the Layer Properties Manager and sort them by name or by property, such as color or visibility.

A layer filter limits the display of layer names in the Layer Properties Manager. In a large drawing, you can use layer filters to display only the layers you need to view.

Note: You cannot add, delete, or modify filters in TrueView.

Invert a Layer Filter

You can also invert a layer filter. For example, all your site plan information in a drawing is filtered by layers that include the word site as part of the layer name. To display all information except site plan information, select Invert Filter in the Layer Properties Manager.

Sort Layers

You can also sort layers by name or other properties. In the Layer Properties Manager, click the column heading to sort layers by the property in that column. Layer names can be sorted in ascending or descending alphabetical order.


To sort the layer list in the Layer Properties Manager

  • Click any column heading.

To reverse the sorting order, click a second time.

To quickly filter the display of layers by name

  1. In the Layer Properties Manager, click Search for Layer in the upper, right-hand corner.
  2. (Optional) To limit your search, select a layer filter in the tree view.
  3. Enter a string of characters, including wild-card characters.

The list view displays all layers whose names match the string. For example, if you enter *mech*, all layers with the letters mech in their names are displayed.

This quick filter is discarded when the Layer Properties Manager closes.

To invert a layer filter in the Layer Properties Manager

  1. Click any filter.
  2. Click the Invert Filter check box.