The user interface of DWG TrueView contains various tools to view and convert drawings, measure objects in a drawing, and output a drawing to different formats.
When a drawing file is open, you can
Additional interface options are available on the Display tab of the Options dialog box. You can open the Options dialog box by clicking
In most cases, the most important of these options is the ability to control the background color of the drawing area.
There are several interface elements that are displayed on Options dialog box that are available in AutoCAD-based products but that do not function in DWG TrueView. For example, the Create Viewport in New Layouts option does not apply in DWG TrueView because you cannot create new layouts.
There are also settings that are saved in the originating AutoCAD or AutoCAD-based application that cannot be controlled from DWG TrueView. These include most system variable settings and includes the settings for elements such as
To change these settings, the drawing needs to be modified and resaved in an AutoCAD-based product.