Specifies the resolution (in dots per inch) for vector graphics and gradients for DWF files. When you set a higher resolution, the file is more precise, but the file size is also larger.
When you create DWF files intended for plotting, select a resolution to match the output of your plotter or printer. High resolutions (over 2,400 dpi) are for viewing. For example, when you create DWF files of drawings that contain a lot of detail, such as a topographical map of a large region, these files use a higher resolution setting for greater detail in the DWF file. Use extreme resolutions (over 40,000 dpi) only when necessary; they may produce very large files. As you increase the resolution setting, raster image quality increases, the speed of printing decreases, and memory requirements increase.
Sets the resolution for vector graphics in the DWF file in dots per inch. The default setting is 1,200 dpi. Select Custom to enter a custom vector graphic resolution.
Specifies a custom resolution for vector graphics in the DWF file in dots per inch. You must select Custom under Vector Resolution to specify a custom vector graphic resolution. The default setting is 40,000 dpi.
Sets the resolution for gradients in the DWF file in dots per inch. The default setting is 200 dpi. Select Custom to enter a custom gradient resolution. This setting cannot exceed the current vector resolution setting.
Specifies a custom resolution for gradients in the DWF file in dots per inch. You must select Custom under Gradient Resolution to specify a custom gradient resolution. The default setting is 200 dpi. This setting cannot exceed the current vector resolution setting.