Additional Output Settings

Specifies additional output settings for DWF files.

DWF Format

Specifies the compression format for DWF files.

Compressed Binary (Recommended)

Plots the DWF file in a compressed, binary format; compression does not cause data loss. This is the recommended file format for most DWF files.

Zipped ASCII encoded 2D stream (Advanced)

Plots the DWF and DWFx file in zipped ASCII Encoded 2D Stream (plain text) format. You can use WinZip to unzip the files.

Background Color Shown in Viewer

Controls the background color that is applied to DWF files.

Note: DWF files intended for plotting should be configured with a white background color. If the background color is set to black, color 7 objects will be plotted as white. For all other background colors, color 7 objects will be plotted as black.

Include Layer Information

Specifies the inclusion of layer information in plotted DWF files. If this option is selected, any layers that are turned on and thawed when the plot is created are available for manipulation in the plotted DWF file. If this option is cleared, no layer information is available when the DWF is viewed in an external viewer or browser.

In some cases, such as in drawings that include nested xrefs, turning this option off may significantly improve performance.

Show Paper Boundaries

Specifies the inclusion of a paper boundary in plotted DWF files similar to what is displayed with drawings in a layout tab.

Note: In the Plotter Configuration Editor, the Show Paper Boundaries option is checked by default and is unavailable for editing.

Save Preview In DWF

Specifies that a preview of the DWF file will be saved in the DWF file.

Note: A small thumbnail of the DWF file is always saved. You should only use the Save Preview in DWF setting if the recipient will use .com to access the preview.