Constrain iCopy Reference

The iCopy command creates one or multiple copies of the iCopy template and adds each copy to the target assembly. Use the Constrain iCopy dialog box to position the iCopy, define the pattern if necessary, and modify parameters. This dialog box also contains an image to clarify what the pattern options control.

Note: In the Select Source Assembly dialog box, select the iCopy template to create the iCopy results.
Ribbon: Assemble tab Pattern panel iCopy

Single copy

Places a single iCopy result based on selected geometry.

Displays the name of the geometry or parameter. This value comes from the Label value in the iCopy definition.
Geometry / Value
Specifies the geometry you select or a parameter value you modify.
If there are components to reuse, displays the Copy / Reuse iCopy Components dialog box. If not, displays the iCopy: File Names dialog box.

Path pattern

Creates a pattern of iCopy results based on a selected path and work plane.

Displays the name of the geometry or parameter. This value comes from the Label value in the iCopy definition.
Geometry / Value
Specifies the geometry you select or a parameter value you modify.
Specifies a path yo select for the work point. Work points are created at the intersection of the rail and the selected work plane.
Specifies sketch geometry you select to define the path for the iCopy pattern.
Work Plane
Specifies a work plane you select to calculate the positions of the iCopies.
Flips the direction of the pattern.
Instance Number
Specifies the number of iCopy occurrences to insert.
Specifies the distance between the iCopies. The spacing is calculated between work planes along the path.
If there are components to reuse, displays the Copy / Reuse iCopy Components dialog box. If not, displays the iCopy: File Names dialog box.

Feature pattern

Associates a pattern of iCopy results based on selected feature patterns.

Displays the name of the geometry or parameter. This value comes from the Label value in the iCopy definition.
Master pattern
Controls the number of occurrences and spacing of the iCopy pattern.
Geometry / Value
Specifies the geometry you select or a parameter value you modify.
Starting Occurrence
Specifies a different starting occurrence you select for the iCopy pattern.
Pattern Count
Changes the number of occurrences for the iCopy pattern.
Flips the direction of the pattern.
Occurrence Control
Clear the check box next to an occurrence to suppress it in the iCopy pattern.
If there are components to reuse, displays the Copy / Reuse iCopy Components dialog box. If not, displays the iCopy: File Names dialog box.

Copy / Reuse iCopy Components - Use the Copy / Reuse iCopy Components dialog box to set the components to copy, reuse, or exclude.

Ribbon: Assemble tab Pattern panel iCopy
Status commands
Provides the following command buttons to change the status on multiple selected components at the same time.

Copy Creates a copy of the component. Each copied component is saved in a new file, which is not associative to the source file.

Reuse Creates an instance of the component.

Exclude Excludes the component from the copy operation.

Returns to the Constrain iCopy dialog box.
Displays the iCopy: File Names dialog box.
Exits the iCopy command without creating iCopy results.
Reuse Standard Content and Factory Parts
Restricts library components and iParts from being copied. Instances of library parts and iParts are created instead.

iCopy: File Names Specify names for iCopy results.

Ribbon: Assemble tab Pattern panel iCopy
Unique File Names
When disabled, iCopy result file names are based on the first instance name with a sequential number suffix. When enabled, each iCopy result can have a unique name.
Lists all components created by the iCopy operation.
New Name
Lists names of new files. Click a name to edit. Right-click in the New Name column, and select Find to search in listed file names. You can select Replace to find and replace a string in listed file names.
Specifies where the new files are saved. Destination Path is the default and means that the files are saved in a subfolder of the location of the target assembly. Source path means that the files are saved in a subfolder of the location of the iCopy template. User Path allows you to specify the directory to save the iCopy results. To specify the User Path, click the browse button, and then select the directory.
Naming Scheme
Renames selected components in the Name column with a specified Prefix or Suffix after you click Apply. If you previously changed a name manually, it is overwritten. Click Revert to return to previous version of name.
Returns to the previous dialog box.