To Create Rigid Auto Route Regions

Create and delete rigid auto route regions

Create rigid auto routes

To initiate or continue adding auto route segments to the active route, use the Route command on the Route tab or on the context menu. Select valid geometry for start and end auto route points so a series of continuous route segments automatically generates in between.

A route is typically a mixed set of auto route regions and sketched route segments. During a workflow, you can use the sketched routing commands to manually determine an appropriate route point for the next route segment, such as Point Snap, Parallel With Edge, and Perpendicular To Face.

The following is a general workflow for creating a simple rigid auto route region.

  1. Activate the route environment.
  2. Optionally, if you are starting a new route, define the start route point using any of the following ways:
    • To select geometry, click the valid geometry, such as a circular edge or a work point. Be sure the axis is pointing in the needed direction when you make your selection.
    • To select a point that is offset from the highlighted edge, pause the cursor over the direction axis, and click anywhere along the axis.
    • To define a point that is offset by a precise distance, pause the cursor over the direction axis, right-click, and select Enter Distance. Enter a value in the Enter Distance dialog box.
    Tip: To flip the direction of the axis, when pausing the cursor over the geometry, press the spacebar, or right-click and choose Select Other Direction to navigate to the appropriate direction.
  3. To create an auto route region, select valid geometry, e.g. a circular edge of a flange, or an existing work point for the endpoint. Ensure the Auto-Route checkbox within the property panel is checked.

    A series of continuous route segments are automatically created in between.

    Note: If more than one solution is available, the Select Other tool appears for you to cycle through the solutions. Click the middle green area to make your selection. You can also change to an alternative auto route solution at a later time.
  4. Continue picking route points to create more auto route regions or sketched route segments.
  5. To complete adding route points, right-click and select Done.
  6. To complete the route, right-click and select Finish Edit.

    A finished route can be populated or fittings dropped on it as an initial fitting for another route.

Delete rigid auto route regions

Using the context menu in the Model browser, you can delete auto route regions. All constraints are automatically deleted. Shared route points with adjacent route segments and coincident route points that terminate on assembly geometry remain accordingly. You can restart or repair the route design from these points.

  1. Activate the route.
  2. Right-click an Autoroute browser node and select Delete.
  3. Right-click and select Finish Edit.
Note: If assembly geometry is selected to define route points, the reference geometry is automatically created and grouped into the Work Features folder. For instance, a work point is typically derived from selecting a circular edge. When route geometry including route points and segments are deleted, the underlying reference geometry remains.