Mold Design browser

The Mold Design browser graphically illustrates the steps in the mold design process.

Each browser node contains components and features that are part of each step in the process. The Mold Design browser performs the following functions:

If you select nodes in the Mold Design browser, the corresponding objects highlight in the graphics window.

You can view a representation in the top of the Mold Design browser to help you set the display modes of mold components.

Mold Design browser nodes

The following example shows nodes in a Mold Design browser hierarchy. The Core Cavity node is expanded in the image.

For a complete list of browser icon definitions, click here

Status nodes in Mold Design browser

Refresh all
The mold design requires an update. To update the mold design, on the Quick Access Toolbar, click Mold Update.
Node requires an update. To update the node, on the Quick Access Toolbar, click Mold Update
The node contains legacy material or analysis information. Use the Mold Export tool Export Analysis Results to save existing information for further analysis in Moldflow Adviser or Insight. If the information is no longer needed, right-click the node entry and choose Delete.
The subject corresponding to a node is not functioning properly. The following conditions can create a sick node:
  • Some inputs are destroyed.
  • Some of the output is lost.
  • The location reference is destroyed or lost.
  • A part of the assembly is lost from the disk.

To cure a sick node, use Edit Feature.

The subject corresponding to a node is unresolved. The following conditions can create an unresolved node:
  • All the moldable part is lost.
  • Some of the moldable part is lost.
  • The pre-condition is lost or becomes unresolved.
  • Outputs are lost.

You cannot cure an unresolved node by using the Edit Feature function. To delete the subject, on the context menu, click Delete.

Family mold in Mold Design browser

To activate a plastic part in a family mold design:

When a plastic part is active, the Mold Design ribbon switches to the Core/Cavity tab. The active part and its child nodes are in the white zone, and all other nodes are in the gray zone.

Note: Highlighting of plastic parts with a white zone only occurs when the Core/Cavity tab is active. The browser is all white when the Mold Layout tab or the Mold Assembly tab is active.

Only one plastic part can be active in the Mold Design browser. If the current plastic part is deleted from a family mold design, the top plastic part is automatically activated .

Updating browser nodes

You can modify components or features in an environment other than Mold Design, such as Model. When you return from another environment, Inventor normally updates the status of all nodes in the Mold Design browser.

If the process is detected as being too time-consuming, Inventor does not update the status of the nodes automatically. Instead, an update icon displays next to the Mold Design node. You can activate the update manually.

Context menu in Mold Design browser

Right-click nodes in the browser to access functions in the context menu. Depending on the type of node, some or all the following options are available:

Edit Feature
Activates the feature dialog box where you can modify properties and parameters.

Alternatively, double-click the browser node to activate the dialog box.

Edit Component
Activates the component in the Model browser.
Note: A single Mold Design node can represent multiple Model nodes. In this case, Edit Component activates the first instance of the Mold Design node in the Model browser.
Removes the selected item from the browser and the graphics window.
Opens the selected component or components in a new graphics window.
Turns off the visibility of all components, except the components that you selected.
Undo Isolate
Restores components to the pre-isolation state.
Sets the visibility of components on or off.
Expand All Children
Expands all the folders nested under the selected node to display all the contents.
Collapse All Children
Collapses all the folders nested under the selected node so that the contents are not displayed.
Find in Window
Zooms in the graphics window to the selected component.
Help Topics...
Opens the Help topic for the current operation.
Edit Core/Cavity
Activates the Core/Cavity tab.