About Transitioning to Style Libraries

Styles are used to format objects in Inventor documents. In Inventor 8 and older versions, styles resided in a template or document. Styles can now reside in a style library that contains all style definitions.

Using style libraries, multiple designers access the same styles so formatting is more uniform throughout a project and styles are easier to update.

Why should I use a Style Library?

Using a Style Library provides the following benefits:

When should I start using a style library?

If you are beginning a new project, and you are a new user, an existing user, or small workgroup, using a Style Library from the start of the project is a good choice. Try starting with the default Style Library that ships with Inventor and adapting it and the associated templates to your needs.

If you are an existing user or group of users working on active projects, or you are deploying Inventor to a large enterprise, consider waiting to deploy Style Libraries. This is especially true for large projects with multiple users, and if you need explicit PDM control of your data. Take the time to develop a set of templates and a Style Library scheme that best fits your processes.

If you are a user that has a project nearing completion, consider delaying a Style Library deployment until after project completion. If it is a project that requires constant maintenance/revision, consider changing it to use a Style Library after design completion, but before the first series of maintenance tasks begins.

How do I get started using a style library?

Inventor: In a project file (.ipj), you set the Use Style Library option to indicate how a style library is used by the project.

If you are uncertain about losing styles you have already created in existing documents, choose the Read Only option. You have access to library styles, and can analyze which of the previously created styles you want to add to the library. You or the CAD administrator can then reset the project option to Read Write (so the style library is writable), and use one of the management tools to copy styles into the library.

Note: Files must migrate from a previous version of Inventor before their styles can be added to a style library.

What happens to styles in my templates?

A template is a regular document that contains styles and other settings you want to use as defaults.

When you set the Use Style Library project option to Yes or Read Only and then create a document from a template, Inventor compares style names to styles in the template. Styles with the same name are retrieved from the style library. A style in the template is refreshed to match the style library version.

If a template contains a style that is not in the library, the style is added to the new document, but not the library. It may be useful if you have a set of custom styles that are not for general use by others using the style library.

Purge styles from templates that you do not intend to use.

Note (Templates Shipped with Inventor):

The default templates have all styles cached locally to support projects are not set to use Style Libraries. The same styles are also saved in the default Style Library. The locally cached styles do not interfere with using the default Style Library.

When a new document is created, all styles inside a template that are not actively used are removed from the newly created document as long as Inventor finds a Name/Value match in the project’s Style Library. If these templates are purged of their styles and it affects existing projects that do not use Style Libraries, use the Style and Standard Editor to manually cache all of the desired styles back into the templates.

Use this technique to deploy a common set of templates that can be shared between both projects that use Style Libraries and that do not use Style Libraries.

What happens to styles in legacy projects?

Legacy design projects usually have documents that each have a set of styles.

Consequently, many documents in a project contain custom styles that are not shared among all other documents.

All documents created from a template contain a complete set of the template styles, even if the document does not need all of them. When using styles, purge unused styles from a document to make your file size smaller. With very large assemblies, the cumulative file size reduction can result in capacity benefits.

Use Manage tab Styles and Standards panel Purge to remove unused styles from individual documents so you do not overload files with duplicated styles.

As long as a purged style was saved in a style library, it can be retrieved if needed. Styles that resided only in a document and not migrated to a style library are permanently lost.

What tools are available to transition to using styles?

You use Inventor tools to transition styles: