Connected Fittings and Components

Use the Connect Fittings command to connect two components relative to one another in a tube and pipe assembly. You can:

The dialog box changes depending on the operation you have selected.

To complete the connection, you must have one free fitting and a base fitting or fittings. You also specify the engagement type, as well as the engagement distance when User Defined is selected from the Engagement list.

Free Fittings

A free fitting can be a fitting or a normal Autodesk Inventor part in the active pipe run assembly. The fitting or part cannot be driven by a node in a route or by any other fitting. When inserting a fitting between an existing fitting connection, the fitting must be collinear. Once the free fitting is connected to the base component, it is always positioned relative to the base fitting during updates and other operations.

Base Fittings

Can be a fitting, a conduit part, or a normal Inventor part that is located anywhere within the assembly. When inserting a fitting, the base fittings are restricted to connected collinear fittings. In both cases, the base fitting specifies the connection that constrains the position and routing of the free fitting.


Available only when you select a connection between two fittings or between a component and a fitting that was inserted using Connect Fitting. It includes three engagement types:


Indicates the engagement distance used for the connection between fittings and components. Read-write only when the User Defined engagement type is used.