Sheet Tab Reference (Document Settings)

Sets the default labels for sheets, and sets the colors for elements on sheets in a drawing or template.


Ribbon: Tools tab Options panel Document Settings . In the dialog box, click the Sheet tab.

Default Sheet Label

Sets the default label assigned to a new sheet in the drawing browser when no previous sheet exists. Click in the label value box and enter the label.

New sheets use the label assigned to the first sheet and the label name setting has no effect. Labels on new sheets bear incremental numbers (for example, Sheet:1, Sheet:2, Sheet:3).

Tip: After you enter a new label value, delete any existing sheets that use the previous label value. The new label value is used.
Sheet Formats

Check the Delete all existing template sheets box to delete the pre-existing sheets in a template.


Sets the display colors for elements of the sheet. Click a color to open the Color dialog box, and select the color for the associated element.

  • Sheet

    Sets the background color for the sheet. The color of views, symbols, and other elements do not change. Set a background color that provides contrast.

  • Sheet Outline

    Sets the outline color for the sheet.

  • Highlight

    Sets the color of highlighted elements (when the cursor passes over them).

  • Selection

    Sets the color of selected elements.