Frame Analysis tab

The Frame Analysis tab is made up of a series of panels, each containing one or more commands that are grouped for ease of access. Each panel has a name.

Note: The following descriptions are not meant to be high level, to be a simple and quick reference. For more information see the Quick Reference topic for a given command.

The Frame Analysis tab comprises of the following panels:

Manage panel

Create Simulation Displays the Create New Simulation dialog box where you define the new simulation.

Beams panel

Update Updates the beam model from source assembly within specified state.
Properties Displays the Beam Properties dialog box where you can change the original beam geometry data.
Material Displays the Beam Material dialog box where you define the materials to override the original material definition.

Constraints panel

Fixed Displays the Fixed Constraint dialog box from which you select geometry and further define the constraint.
Pinned Displays the Pinned Constraint dialog box from which you select geometry and define the constraint.
Floating Displays the Floating Pinned Constraint dialog box from which you select geometry and further define the constraint.
Custom Displays the Custom Constraint dialog box from which you select geometry and further define the constraint. You can set the displacement and the rotation of constraint.

Loads panel

Force Displays the Force dialog box from which you specify a force.
Continuous Load Displays the Continuous Load dialog box from which you specify a continuous load on the 3D sketch line.
Moment Displays the Moment dialog box from which you specify a moment.
Axial Moment Displays the Axial Moment dialog box from which you specify an axial moment.
Bending Moment Displays the Bending Moment dialog box from which you specify a bending moment.

Connections panel

Release Displays the Release dialog box from which you define specific release conditions at beam start and beam end.
Rigid Link Displays the Rigid Link dialog box from which you define rigid links in a structure.
Custom Node Displays the Custom Node dialog box from which you add a node to a selected beam.

Solve panel

Simulate Runs the simulation. The progress bar is shown during simulation. After the simulation is complete, a dialog box containing brief simulation warnings and errors is displayed.

Result panel

Animate Animates the results including loads, moments, stresses, and so on. You can record a video of the animation.
Beam Detail Displays diagrams for selected beam loads, moments, and stresses.
Diagram Displays the Diagram dialog box from which you define diagrams to display.

Display panel

Color Bar Displays the Color Bar dialog box where you define the location and gradation of the color bar.
Beam Labels Turns on or off the display of the beam labels.
Node Labels Turns on or off the display of the node labels.
Smooth Shading Displays the color transitions using smooth shading techniques.
Contour Shading Displays the color transitions in contours, providing a hard line contrast between colors.
No Shading Removes color shading.
Min Value Turns on or off the display of the minimum result.
Max Value Turns on or off the display of the maximum result.
Boundary Conditions Controls visibility of glyphs for the different loads and constraints applied in the simulation.
Local Systems Turns on or off the display of the local coordinate system of the beam.
Load Values Turns on or off the display of the values of all loads.
Pull down list Adjust Displacement Scale Sets displacement scale for visualization purposes. The setting is for the graphical display and does not affect the simulation values.

Publish panel

Report Displays the Report dialog box where you define the report content and then publish the report.
Export Exports Frame Analysis data to RTD format.

Settings panel

Frame Analysis Settings Displays the Frame Analysis Settings dialog box where you specify the default parameters for all new simulations. You can override these settings on a per simulation basis.