Rule-based fillets are useful for creating grills or adding to machined parts. You can also exclude a face from a rule-based fillet.
To fillet all the edges of the grill with a larger radius around the grill boundary and a smaller radius on the grill ribs:
To fillet the pocket to model a milling process with a tool of 3 mm. diameter and 1 mm. cutting radius, all the concave vertical edges must have a fillet of 1.5 mm. radius (generated by the vertical approach of the tool), while the edges of the bottom face must have a fillet of 1 mm. radius corresponding to the tool cutting radius
Even after a change in the pocket shape, the Rule-based fillet rebuilds correctly.
Fillet the edges of the highlighted boss with different radii without filleting the edges on the selected face.
In this example, we achieve a constant thickness wall at the intersection between a feature and the part. A constant thickness wall is often a requirement of molded plastic products.