Create New Simulation - Simulation Type tab

Simulation properties are unique for each simulation. The properties are populated with values from the Frame Analysis Settings and representation information from the assembly. Then, based on the simulation needs, you specify the properties. The dialog box contains general controls and tabs for specific controls.

Simulation Type properties provide you the option to select either Static or Modal analysis and properties associated to those types. If the simulation requires something other than the default, modify the settings as needed.


Presented as the Create New Simulation dialog box when Create Simulation command is used.

Presented as the Edit Simulation Properties dialog box when you right-click the Simulation browser node and click Edit Simulation.

The Simulation Type tab is displayed by default.


Assign a name that defaults to Simulation, followed by a colon and a numeric indicator indexed from 1 to ‘n’. Each new simulation is named with the next higher value. The name is used for all user-visible references to the simulation.

Static Analysis

Evaluate the model without motion to determine stresses and displacement.

Modal Analysis

Determine the natural frequencies of vibration for the model.

  Compute Preloaded Modes

Select to compute stress on a model and then compute modes for the prestressed condition.

This option is on, by default.

  Maximum Number of Modes

Enter the number of calculated modes.


Specify the maximum value of tolerance that is to be achieved during iterative analysis of a structure. The default value is 0.0001.

You can enter the value in a different linear unit than the default document value.

  Number of Iterations

Enter the maximum number of iterations. The default value is 8.

If the entered number is exceeded and the required tolerance is not achieved, calculations of the structure stop.

OK Accepts the setting modifications and applies them to the selected simulation.
Cancel Cancels the current dialog box session. Modifications made during the session that have not been applied are discarded.
Apply Sets or revises the simulation settings based on current dialog box values.