Edit Styles in Default Templates

Within an Autodesk® Inventor® assembly, the tube and pipe runs subassembly is created from the primary tube and pipe runs assembly template, piping runs.iam. This file is stored in the installation path of Autodesk Inventor Professional Tube & Pipe, by default:

C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Autodesk\Inventor <version>\Design Data\Tube & Pipe

As with Autodesk Inventor assembly templates, Autodesk Inventor Professional Tube & Pipe provides two types of units for the template: English and Metric. When you install Autodesk Inventor Professional, you select default units of measurement. That selection sets the default template used to create standard Inventor assemblies and the default template used to create tube and pipe runs subassemblies. If you set English (inches) as the default unit of measurement, the template in the English subdirectory is copied to the Design Data\Tube & Pipe directory.

Customized tube and pipe styles are saved in the local piping runs assembly that you name and locate when you start your tube and pipe assembly. You can export the styles from the local piping runs assembly. Then import them into a (blank) primary runs assembly template. Once added to the primary runs assembly template, your styles can be used in other tube and pipe assemblies.

For more information
Help topics

Tube and pipe styles overview

Manage tube and pipe styles


Routed Systems -Tube and Pipe Styles