Render an image to view a realistic image of the design, with or without an enhanced background. When you select the Shaded render type, it is applied to the entire image. Changes to the applied type must be done as a post process in an image editor. You can use Illustration visual style in modelling environment to get an illustration result.
To output an image with a transparent background, for compositing with another image, the PNG with alpha channel must be selected before rendering. The alpha channel option for PNG is hidden when you start rendering.
- On the ribbon, click Environments tab
Begin panel
Inventor Studio .
- On the ribbon, click Render tab
Render panel
Render Image
- Set the options on the General tab. You can see a preview of your selections in the graphics window.
When you are satisfied with your selections, click Render.
The rendering progress is displayed in a separate window.
Set the options on the Ouput tab
- Save Rendered Image In the Open dialog box, enter a name, select a location, and select a file type.
- Click Options on the Open dialog box to open the Image Save Options dialog box. The file type you select determines the available options.
Note: To output an image with a transparent background, for compositing with another image, the PNG with alpha channel must be selected in the Save Options dialog box before rendering.
- Click Save in the Save dialog box to save your settings and return to the Output tab.
- Set the options on the Renderer tab (Render Image only).
Render Duration
- Render Time Sets the duration of the rendering. The number of iterations (and resulting quality) in a particular time interval depends on CPU speed.
- Render by iteration Sets the number of iterations to run. The time interval required to complete the number of iterations depends on CPU speed.
- Until Satisfactory Sets unlimited rendering. The rendering may be stopped manually.
Lighting and Material Accuracy
- Mode Sets the duration of the rendering. The number of iterations (and resulting quality) in a particular time interval depends on CPU speed.
- Image Filtering (Antialising) Determines how multiple samples are combined into a single pixel value to soften or sharpen the final image.
- Click Render.
- In the upper-right corner of the rendered image window, click:
- Pause to pause the rendering.
- Save and save the output to BMP, JPEG, TIFF, PNG, or GIF format.
Note: The Ground plane and shadow effect settings specified in the View tab will display in the rendered model.
Tip: If you have a space-ball type controller, and you manipulate it while you render an animation, the camera view might shift. To avoid the shift, turn off the controller during long render operations.