Make assembly pattern elements independent

You can select one or more pattern elements in the browser and sever their link to the pattern . The parts remain in the same position, but are no longer associated with the pattern. A copy of the components contained within the element are listed above the pattern node in the browser hierarchy. These independent parts can be moved or deleted.

To begin, click to expand the assembly pattern in the browser.

  1. In the browser, select one or more nonsource pattern elements to make independent.
  2. Right-click, and then select Independent.

A browser symbol indicates that the link to the pattern is broken.

The Independent option is not available for elements in a pattern of a pattern.

If desired, you can restore pattern elements to the pattern. Right-click an independent pattern element, and then select Independent to clear the check mark.

Note: When a pattern element becomes independent, its link is severed to the pattern but the parts remain in the assembly. When you restore an element to the pattern these independent parts are not automatically deleted. If restoring a pattern element, move or delete the independent part to avoid having two parts coincident with one another.