Adjust Position dialog box

Specify the location for each plastic part. Set the offset distances along the X, Y, and Z axes of the coordinate system for the mold design.

On the Mold Layout tab, click Adjust Position .
Note: If Adjust Position is not visible in the Mold Layout tab, click the arrow under Adjust Orientation, and then click Adjust Position.
Selections in any method

The selected plane of the adjusted part moves to the same height as the selected plane of the reference part.

Plastic Part

In the graphics window, select a part.


In the graphics window, select a part as the reference part. The plastic part adjusts according to the position of the reference part.

To Align XY plane with reference
Face/Plane as Additional Selection
After you select a part, you can select a face, plane, or edge of the adjusting part. After you select the reference part, you can select a face or plane of the reference part, or select Mold design CSYS. The selected faces must be parallel with the XY plane.
Coordinate Array

Move the part to align the bottom surface of the adjusting part range box with the reference part range box on a horizontal plane.

Ordinal Array

Move the part. Align the top surface of the adjusting part range box with the bottom surface of the reference part range box on a horizontal plane.

X Offset

The distance between the YZ work plane of the adjusting part and the YZ work plane of the reference part, or Mold Design CSYS.

Y Offset

The distance between the XZ work plane of the adjusting part and the XZ work plane of the reference part, or Mold Design CSYS.

Assistant Dimensions
After entering an offset value, you can adjust the position of the part range box. Click the dimension line in the graphics window. In the Edit dialog box, enter a value, and then click . In the Adjust Position dialog box, the offset value automatically updates.
To Align center with XY direction

The center of the adjusting part moves to the same height as the center of the reference part.

Plastic Part

In the graphics window, select a part.


In the graphics window, select a part as the reference part. The plastic part adjusts according to the position of the reference part.


Enables an offset, or assistant dimension to be set in the X direction.

Enables an offset, or assistant dimension to be set in the Y direction.

X Offset

Specifies the distance between the YZ work plane of the adjusting part and the YZ work plane of the reference part, or Mold Design CSYS.

Z Offset

Specifies the distance between the XY work plane of the adjusting part and the XY work plane of the reference part, or Mold Design CSYS.

Assistant Dimensions
After entering an offset value, you can adjust the position of the part range box. Click the dimension line in the graphics window. In the Edit dialog box, enter a value, and then click . In the Adjust Position dialog box, the offset value automatically updates.
To use Free transform

Adjusts the position of the part in the X, Y, or Z direction.

Plastic Part
In the graphics window, select a part.
In the graphics window, select a part as the reference part. The plastic part adjusts according to the position of the reference part.
X Offset
Specifies the distance between the YZ work plane of the adjusting part and the YZ work plane of the reference part, or Mold Design CSYS.
Y Offset
Specifies the distance between the XZ work plane of the adjusting part and the XZ work plane of the reference part, or Mold Design CSYS.
Z Offset
Specifies the distance between the XY work plane of the adjusting part and the XY work plane of the reference part, or Mold Design CSYS.
Assistant Dimensions
After entering an offset value, you can adjust the position of the part range box. Click the dimension line in the graphics window. In the Edit dialog box, enter a value, and then click . In the Adjust Position dialog box, the offset value automatically updates