3D Orthogonal Route Tool Reference

Interactively positions or repositions route points or fittings for rigid routes. For flexible hose routes, positions route points for styles without start or end fittings. Click a line or drag the rotation and angle tools to create route points, or enter precise values using the keyboard or context menus.

The tool also assists you to create construction lines in the parametric regions during forward route creation or later edits.


On the ribbon, click Pipe Run tab Route panel New Route , and then do one of the following:

  • On the ribbon, click Route tab Create panel Route and select a route start point.
  • Right-click and select Route from the context menu while a route is active.
  • Pause the cursor over the route point for a placed fitting, and then select Edit Orientation from the context menu.

Tool elements for pipe routing

When a rigid pipe with fittings type style is active and all elements are displayed, the following elements are included:

Direction Axes

Snaps rotation in 90-degree increments. It shows valid direction for the next route point and enables creation of points offset from the selected edge. Move the cursor over the direction axis and enter a precise value, or click anywhere on the direction axis.

Tip: The route commands such as Point Snap, Rotation Snap, Parallel With Edge, and Perpendicular To Place can assist you to define the second point as if you were creating a normal route segment.

Rotation Arrows

Shows the rotation possibilities for the next route point, and enables unrestricted rotation around the displayed axis. Click and drag the arrows to rotate the axes.

45-degree Angle Control

Snaps rotation in angular directions of 45-degree. Click the arrow showing the angular position you need. To revert to the previous angular position, click the single arrow displayed on the selected axis.

Radius Handles

Defines the bend radius when the Custom Bend command is activated. Click the radius handles and enter the radius for the selected bend.

Slope Angle Control Self-draining lines only. Snaps rotation in the up or down direction of the defined slope angle. Click the arrow to reverse the slope direction.

Tool elements for bent tube and flexible hose routing

When either a tubing with bends or flexible hose type style with one or no fittings is active, the tool elements include the direction axes, and the rotation arrows described for pipe routing.

The elements unique to the bent tube and flexible hose styles include:

Radius Handles

Changes the radius for bent tubes. Click the radius handles and enter the radius for the selected bend.

Rotation Handles

Adjusts the included angle. Click and drag the arrows to rotate the axes. The rotation snaps in set increments based on the 3D Angle Snap value set on the Tools tab Options panel Document Settings Modeling tab. To enter a precise angle, move the cursor over the rotation handle, right-click, and select Enter Angle.

Tool elements when drawing construction lines in a rigid route

The 3D Orthogonal Route tool is displayed on the sketched route point from which you have selected to create construction lines.

Direction Axes

Snaps rotation in 90-degree increments. It shows the valid direction for the second decisive point on the construction line. Move the cursor over the direction axis and enter a precise value if the line length is important, or click anywhere on the line.

Tip: The route commands such as Point Snap, Rotation Snap, Parallel With Edge, and Perpendicular To Place can assist you to define the second point as if you were creating a normal route segment.

Rotation Arrows

Shows the rotation possibilities for the second decisive point, and enables unrestricted rotation around the displayed axis. Move the cursor over the rotation handle and enter a precise value, or click and drag the arrows to rotate the axes.