The configuration file (.cfg) describes the format of the input .csv file for importing wires and cables into a harness assembly. The configuration file is a delimited text file, which describes the input properties and their associated data types and corresponding units.
The configuration file must contain the following information:
Type of object contained in the input file. For wire and cable occurrences, the object is CablesandWires. Existing files using the object of Wires also import correctly. It is not case-sensitive. |
The output log file path and name. For example, C:\WireListImport\wirelist.log. If no path is listed, the log file is created in the same directory as the .csv file. |
HEADER1 (Property Name) |
Specifies names of the input properties. The properties can be in any order, as long as the minimum required subset is present. Custom properties may be specified in addition to the minimum required properties. |
HEADER2 (Data Type) |
Specifies the data type associated with the property name in the same column. For predefined properties such as Library Name this value must be the type of the property, such as text. |
HEADER3 (Unit) |
Specifies the unit of measure associated with the data type in the same column. This value must correspond to the type for the same property. For example, a unit of meter is not appropriate for a type of temperature. |
The following is an example of the data contained in a wire list configuration file.
Wire ID,Cable ID,Library Name,Conductor ID,RefDes1,Pin1,RefDes2,Pin2