User libraries that contain user-published content or modified standard content must correspond to the version of Autodesk Inventor.
If your libraries reside on a server, transform the libraries to the new server database schema by the migration process that is started automatically after installation. Then copy transformed libraries to the server partition for the new Autodesk Inventor version, and migrate and synchronize libraries by using the Update Tool.
Configure Libraries dialog box lists libraries available in the Desktop Content location or in the corresponding partition of the Vault server. Out-of-date user libraries are marked with an icon:
Marks a library that contains data from a previous version of Autodesk Inventor. The library cannot be used in Content Center until it is migrated.
Update Tool is a wizard that migrates the content of legacy libraries into the current Autodesk Inventor version and synchronizes the copied families with link and their parents.
Migration process transfers family templates and family data to a new Autodesk Inventor format. All legacy user libraries must be migrated before they can be used in a new version of Autodesk Inventor.
Synchronization process propagates edits from a parent family to the copied (child) family with link. Data overridden on the family copy are preserved, but all other changes are applied. For example, user-defined family templates are replaced with templates from the new Autodesk Inventor library for synchronized families. To restore your templates, create their backup copies, and then manually replace the standard templates with your modified templates saved in the backup folder.
The automatic data migration may fail for some families in the library. Then you must fix the families manually. Specifically, the following data or changes may require user interaction: