Make Components: Blocks Reference

Specifies component information for each component created from the selected blocks. You can click the column headings to rearrange the entries.

Ribbon: Manage tab Layout panel Make Components Ribbon: Sketch tab Show Panel icon . Select Layout panel to display the Layout panel, and then select Make Components

Perform the Make Components: Selection steps and click Next

Selected Blocks
Displays the selected block definitions, with nested block definitions shown in hierarchical fashion. Block instances are not displayed. This column cannot be edited.
Component Name
Enter or select the name for each component. If a block definition was previously derived into a component, a drop-down arrow is available. Select the existing component name or enter a new name.
Component Type
Indicates the target component type. Select different templates to change the target type.
Select the template used to create your component. The default type is set in the Make Components Options dialog box. Select a row and click the browse icon at the top of the column to browse to a template.
BOM Structure
Select the bill of materials structure for the component.
File Location
Select or browse to a file location where the component is created. Right-click the entry to select from available options.

Workspace sets the file path to the Workspace of the active Project.

Source Path sets the file path to the same location as the layout part.

Target Assembly Location sets the file path to the same location as the target assembly.

Target Assembly Location sets the file path to the same location as the target assembly.

User Path sets the file path to the Workspace of the active Project. To browse to a different location, select the row and click the Browse icon at the top of the column.

Component position options
Determines the assembly constraints placed on the components in the target assembly.

Create equivalent assembly constraints translates sketch constraints between block instances into equivalent assembly constraints between component instances in the parent assembly.

Constrain to layout plane constrains the movement of the assembly component instance parallel to the layout sketch. You clear this option to drag the component along the Z axis of the layout part and offset it from the layout plane. You set this option to lock the Z axis position of the component relative to the layout plane..

Include Parameters
Click to open the Include Parameters dialog box.
Return to selection
Click to return to the Make Components: Selection dialog box.
Execute Make Components and close the dialog box. The new components and target assembly are not automatically saved to disk. You save both when the target assembly is saved.
Execute Make Components. The source part window remains open and the Make Components: Selection dialog box returns so you can continue to select different objects and create more components. The new components and target assembly are not automatically saved to disk. You save both when the target assembly is saved.