Frame Analysis Settings - Beam Model tab

Frame analysis settings are applicable to all frame simulations. Whenever a new frame simulation is started, these preferences are used. You can override the global settings on a simulation basis by changing the simulation properties.

This section discusses the controls on the Beam Model tab.


Ribbon: Frame Analysis tab Settings panel Frame Analysis Settings
Beam model  
  Create Rigid Links

Enables to create rigid links manually. Clear the box not to automatically create rigid links during model conversion. You can create them manually based on your needs and preferences.


Specify the maximum distance between beams to consider in automatic conversion.

When the distance between two beams is smaller than sizes of sections multiplied by tolerance, then rigid link connection is created between nearest nodes.

The range of valid inputs is from -100% to 500%. If you set the value to 0, the beams must be positioned right next to each other. Due to an inaccuracy, it is possible that even beams next to each other are not connected. Therefore the default value is set to 2. Positive values create rigid links between beams that have gaps between them, gap weld for example. Negative values define that there must be an intersection between beams to create rigid links.

  Trim Mitered Beam Ends

When selected, the overlaps are trimmed during automatic model conversion.

Original models  
  Display as:

Specifies the default visibility settings for all components (beams and other parts) after the conversion.

  • Invisible - the component visibility is turned off.
  • Transparent - uses the disabled component visibility characteristics
  • Shaded - uses the standard shaded component settings.