Flat Pattern Export Dialog Reference

In the browser, right-click a Flat Pattern browser node, and then click Save Copy As.
Displays the configuration that you select from the drop-down list of previously saved configurations.
Browse to a specific configuration file.
Save Configuration
Save the current configuration of all three tabs to a named configuration for later use.
In the Save Copy As dialog box, select the Save as type option of *.sat, and click Save. The SAT Save Options dialog box displays. Select the *.sat version to save to. Default is Version 7.0, but versions 4.0 through 6.0 are available.
*.dwg or *.dxf
In the Save Copy As dialog box, select the Save as type option of *.dwg or *.dxf, and click Save. The Flat Pattern DWG Export Options or the Flat Pattern DXF Export Options dialog box displays. Define General, Layer, and Geometry options, and save named sets of configured options for later use.

General tab

File Version
Specifies the appropriate file version:
  • AutoCAD 2010
  • AutoCAD 2007
  • AutoCAD 2004
  • AutoCAD 2000/LT 2000
  • AutoCAD R12/LT 2 (DXF output only)

    Many machine tools expect files in AutoCAD R12 format. To avoid setting this option every time, save a configuration with this DXF output option selected.

Post Process
Specify an XML file containing post process instructions that act upon the exported file. Following the export, the DWGEdit.exe process is run on the file using the instructions contained within the specified XML file.

Layer tab

Provides a list of all the named layers that are contained within the output file. Layers can be on or off as needed by a particular machine. Geometry located on the front face or back face of the flat pattern can be made available in the output file. Switch the appropriately named layer on or off as required. Explicit colors, line types, and line weights can be assigned to each exported layer.

Geometry tab

Spline Simplification

When checked:

Specifies whether to replace splines with a straight line when they deviate by a specified amount from what would otherwise be a straight line.
Specifies whether to replace splines with a tangent arc when they deviate by a specified amount from what would otherwise be an arc.
2d geometry
Optionally, do the following:
  • Select Merge Profiles into Polyline to convert contour geometries into a single polyline object.
  • Select Rebase Geometry to 1st Quadrant to move all geometry such that all X and Y coordinates are positive.
  • Select Trim Centerlines at Contour to trim bend centerlines where they cross holes in bends.
    Tip: Some shop tools are unable to use an exported DWG or DXF flat pattern file if a bend centerline crossed a hole in the bend. Select the Trim Centerlines option to trim bend centerlines to the edge of the cut.