Inventor Save and Check out Requirements

Learn about Save and Inventor Files

iAssemblies - Unwanted Save Requests

Inventor asks you whether you want to save changes to the file, even when you did not make any changes in the following workflow.

  1. In a top level iAssembly: Right-click on the browser Table node and select Change Component from the context menu.
  2. In the Place iAssembly dialog box, note that the selected member is already activated in the top level assembly.
  3. Select a different member.
    Attention: This action activates the member in the iAssembly factory. When you activate an iAssembly member, this action alone requires Inventor to ask you whether you want to save changes to a file.
  4. Switch back to the original selection.
    Attention: The previously selected member remains activated.
  5. Select OK to close the Place iAssembly dialog box.
  6. Close the file. Inventor asks if you want to save changes.

Inventor/Vault - Unwanted Save or Check Out Requests Due to Enabled Save Setting

Inventor asks if you want to Save or Check out a file even though you did not make any changes after opening and closing the file in the following scenarios.

Attention: To avoid these Save and Check out requests, disable the setting: Application options Save Prompt to save for re-computable updates.

Scenario 1 Open a file from the vault and then close the file.

  1. Open a file directly from the Vault and do not check out when prompted.
  2. Close the file and do not check out when prompted.
  3. You are prompted to save the file.

Scenario 2 Copy a vaulted assembly into a new assembly file.

  1. Open an assembly from Vault directly and do not check it out.
  2. Press CTRL+C to copy all components.
  3. Create a new assembly.
  4. Press CTRL+V to paste all components into the new assembly.
  5. Switch to the first assembly and close the file.
  6. You are prompted to save the file.

Scenario 3 Open an assembly and activate positional representation.

  1. Open an assembly file with 2 or more positional representations file from the vault and do not check out the assembly file.
  2. Activate one of the positional representations.
  3. Activate different positional representations.

You are prompted to check out the file.

Scenario 4 Save a part or an assembly file with a new name.

You are prompted to save the file.

You are prompted to save or check out the file in the above scenarios because the setting, Application options Save Prompt to save for re-computable updates is enabled. Disable this option to avoid save and check out requests for files that do not require saving or check out.

Inventor - Unwanted Save Dialog Opens

Attention: To avoid these Save requests, enable the setting, Application options Save Do not list referenced files that default to "No" in the Save dialog.

Inventor prompts you to save one or more files even though you did not make any changes to the file(s).

  1. Open an Inventor file from a previous version.
  2. Select File Save.
  3. In the Save dialog box, note that in the Status column that the Save status for some files is set to Yes, and others to No.
  4. Click OK to save.
  5. Access the Save dialog box again: Select File Save.

The Save dialog opens. In the Save dialog box, note that in the Status column that the Save status for all files is set to No. Files with a save Status set to No do not require saving.

The Save dialog opens again even though you did not change anything after saving previously as a result of the following:

The setting, Application options Save tab Do not list referenced files that default to "No" in the Save dialog is disabled. Select this option to avoid the Save dialog box from displaying when you click Save and no additional files require saving.

Inventor/Vault - Unwanted Assembly Check Out Request

Inventor asks you to check out the assembly when opening a drawing file even though no changes were made to the assembly in the following workflow.

Scenario: You have an assembly file (that has a Bill of Materials), corresponding part files, and a drawing file (that has a parts list) all checked into the vault.

  1. Check out a part file and, using the iProperties dialog box, modify a part number.
  2. Save the file and check it back into the vault.
  3. Open the assembly file.
    Attention: You are not prompted to check out the assembly because Inventor makes a change to a Bill of Materials when you launch the Bill of Materials command, and not when you open an Assembly file.
  4. Open the corresponding drawing file. The part number in the part list is updated.
    Attention: You are prompted to check out the assembly when you open the drawing file because the updated parts list references the Bill of Materials and Inventor detects the Bill of Materials needs to be updated.

Inventor/Vault - Unwanted Checkout/Update Requests

Scenario 1

Inventor prompts you to check out a file from vault and the Update button is enabled even though you did not change anything.

  1. Open a drawing (.idw) file from the Vault and do not check out when prompted.
  2. Select a View.

    Note that the Update button is enabled.

Attention: Selecting one or more views in a vaulted drawing (.idw) file, triggers Inventor to enable the Update button.

Scenario 2

Inventor prompts you to update the parent assembly when you create a flat pattern even though the folded model has not changed.

  1. Open an assembly (.iam) file with one or more sheet metal parts checked into the vault. Do not check out the parts when prompted.
  2. Edit in place a sheet metal part and click Create Flat Pattern button to create flat pattern.
  3. Click Go to Folded Part button to go back to the Folded part environment.
  4. Save and close the part file.
  5. Return to the assembly file.

    Note that the Update button is enabled and you are required to update the assembly.

    Attention: You are required to update the assembly because Inventor detects a change to the top level assembly when you create a flat pattern in the sub-assembly.

Inventor/Vault - Unwanted Drawing Check Out Request

Inventor asks you to check out a drawing file when opening a drawing file even though no changes were made to the drawing in the following workflow.

  1. Check out a drawing (.idw) file from the vault.
  2. Use the Vault Revision command to create an Inventor Revision Table.
  3. Save the file, and check the drawing (.idw) file back into the vault.
  4. Open Vault Explorer, and change the State of the drawing file to Released.

    Changing the state creates a job to Sync Properties, and updates the revision table with a new number.

  5. Run the Job Processor to complete the jobs in the queue.
  6. Open the drawing (.idw) file from Vault in Inventor.

    You are prompted to check out the file because the revision table needs to be updated with the new revision number.