Pattern Components Reference

What's New: 2023.2

Ribbon: Assemble tab Pattern panel Pattern
Selects one or more components to include in the pattern. An existing pattern of assembly components can be included in the selection set.
Associative tab
Selects the feature pattern with which to associate the assembly pattern. Displays feature pattern name in the Feature Pattern Select box. Components are patterned relative to the placement and spacing of the feature pattern. Changes made to the feature pattern automatically update the number and spacing of the components in the assembly pattern. Relationships associated with the patterned component are replicated and honored in the assembly pattern.
Rectangular tab
Arranges selected components in columns and rows by specifying number and spacing or by matching patterned features on a part.
Column and Row Placement
Direction Aligns selected components in the direction defined by the selected edge, work axis, or Origin axis. When placing components to match patterned features, the selected pattern sets spacing and count.
Flip Reverses direction of the column or row.
Count Specifies the number of occurrences in the column or row. Default setting is two. Must be greater than zero.
Spacing Specifies spacing between occurrences. Default setting is two. A negative value can be entered to create a pattern in the opposite direction.
Circular tab
Arranges selected components in a circle or arc pattern by a specific count and angular spacing or by matching patterned features on a part.
Circular Placement
Rotation Axis Specifies the axis (pivot point of angle) about which occurrences are repeated. The axis can be on a different plane from the components being patterned. To use an Origin axis, expand the flyout on the axis selector.
Flip Reverses direction of the pattern.
Count Specifies the number of occurrences in the arc or circle. The default setting is four. Must be greater than zero.
Angle Specifies angular spacing between occurrences. Default setting is 90 degrees. A negative value can be entered to create a pattern in the opposite direction.